Create an IAM role for your Workspace

Create an IAM role for your workspace

  1. Follow this deep link to create an IAM role with Administrator access .
  2. Confirm that AWS service and EC2 are selected, then click Next: Permissions to view permissions.
  3. Confirm that AdministratorAccess is checked, then click Next: Tags to assign tags.
  4. Take the defaults, and click Next: Review to review.
  5. Enter apprunnerworkshop-admin for the Name, and click Create role. createrole

Attach the IAM role to your workspace

  1. Click the grey circle button (in top right corner) and select Manage EC2 Instance. cloud9Role
  2. Select the instance, then choose Actions / Security / Modify IAM Role c9instancerole
  3. Choose apprunnerworkshop-admin from the IAM Role drop down, and select Save c9attachrole